Sayın Başbakanımız TABA Her Zaman Sizinle Olacaktır - TABA Genel Başkanı Sayın Dr. Zeynel Abidin ERDEM'in kapanış konuşması



Your Excellency Prime Minister,

You change Turkey’s agenda in each of your speeches. I congratulate you.

People in Turkey now rely on each other; people in Turkey now rely on their banks, it is now trusted that the energy resources are not seized for private gain; you have created a personality in foreign policy of Turkey.

We thank you for all of them.

On the other hand, we have received the messages you have conveyed without neglecting the amity and sympathy of the United States of America. We have already visited 15 European countries within a very short time like 10 days with you and we have appreciated your endeavors regarding entry into the European Union.

Your Excellency Prime Minister,

I would like to remind you that you repeated the words you had conveyed here when we were going to the USA exactly the same and said, “You have a share of the work, and I give you a homework”. Your instructions have been fulfilled completely and total of 13 visits have been arranged to the USA and the messages have been transmitted to the relevant authorities as they are clearly and correctly. Furthermore, please be sure that we have involved in highly serious activities in order to ensure that the President of the biggest commercial organization in the world, that is US Chamber of Commerce, transmits all of your messages to the White House. Because, you and your government are worthy of appreciation.

I congratulate you and kindly request you to believe that the Turkish people understand the messages you convey on television correctly and that we consider all your instructions you give on television, even if they are not given directly, as our duty and we endeavor to perform them. Moreover, I appreciate your evaluation regarding winning the approval and support of the friendly and allied United States of America.

I greet all of you with respect. I wish to invite our three ministers to present to you a plaque and TABA Honorary Membership. One of our Ministers will attach the badge, the other will present the plaque and the last one will present the honorary membership insignia.

I would like to read the gratitude statement of the Turkish-American Business Association to

Your Excellency Prime Minister, who deserves the description inscribed on this plaque: “Your Excellency The Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, as the Turkish-American Business Association, we express our gratitude to you for the significantly valuable contributions you have made to the political, economic, cultural and strategic relations between Turkey and the Unites States of America in development of our country as a bright, modern, and prosperous nation, and in carrying out rapidly the reforms made by bewildering and winning appreciation of the whole world in the process of full membership to the European Union, and in recovery of the pride and self-confidence the Turkish People have deserved.” Turkish American Business Association.